How do I expand/collapse nodes?

Here are instructions for expanding and collapsing rows (nodes) within reports and lists.

When you have a report with a significant amount of data (for example: year over year), the report will present with collapsed rows. In this example, there are 40 records and it would be time-consuming to expand them one by one.

Instead, you can right click anywhere in the report and select Expand All Nodes.

To minimize them again, right click and select Collapse All Nodes.

Please be aware that copying the report or list to Excel will copy the entire report or list as it is currently being viewed within DigitBridge. 

For example, copying the report while all nodes are collapsed will show up in Excel like this:

But if the top two rows have been expanded, pasting in Excel will look like this:

See related:

How do I use the sort & filter tools?