How can I audit my channel syncs?

Here is a guide on how to do an audit in order to check and see if data syncing to channels is working.

While data syncing from DigitBridge to integrated channels is automated, there is a chance that an error may occur. With that in mind, users have the option to audit every sync that occurs to make sure that everything works as expected.


First, head to the PIM module.

Next, go to Channel Listing. Click on whatever channel you want to audit.

Click Audit.

You will see the Successful Syncs, Failed Syncs, Not in Channel, and No Sales Channel Flag.

Successful Syncs as the name suggests means that the sync was conducted successfully with no issues. 

Failed Sync means the syncing was unsuccessful. The first column will offer the reason the sync failed.

Not in Channel means that the item in DigitBridge is set to sync inventory to the channel, but the item could not be found in the channel.

No Sales Channel Flag means this item exists in the channel but is not set to sync inventory to the channel in DigitBridge.

Warning: If your audit shows Not in Channel or No Sales Channel Flag, please contact support.

You also have the option to Generate New Report if you resync and want to see if any issues from a previous sync have been resolved.