How can I create a basic line sheet from DigitBridge?

Here is a guide on how to generate a line sheet in PIM.

In the DigitBridge PIM module, it's quite easy to create a simple line sheet of selected items directly from PIM. 

In PIM > Content Resources, do a filtered search (how do I search in PIM?) to find the items you wish to include in your line sheet. Depending on your SKU structure, make sure the selected Display option is correct. 

Caution: Make sure that the Results per page at the bottom is expanded to include your entire search result. Otherwise, only the first 20 results will appear in your export.



Once your results look the way you want them to, select all.

Near the top, a new button has appeared: Print Line Sheet. Click it.

Here is the result ready to export:

To add a header and footer to your line sheet, click Settings, make your adjustments, and click OK.

Once you're done, click Print

You can print a physical copy of it or set your printer to Save as PDF and then click Save.

Now you have a simple line sheet you can send to buyers!

Note: The information displayed under the product image will vary based on what level you're on: Style, Substyle, or Product SKU. 

If display is “Style:" 

  • {Line Sheet Product Name} IF Empty, use {Product Name}
  • Style #: {Style}
  • Season: {Line Sheet Season} IF Empty, use {Season}
  • Color: {Color Selection}
  • Size: {Size Range}
  • M.S.R.P: {MSRP}
  • Wholesale: {Wholesale Price}


If display is “Substyle:”

  • {Line Sheet Product Name} IF Empty, use {Product Name}
  • Style #: {Style}
  • Season: {Line Sheet Season} IF Empty, use {Season}
  • Color: {Color Code}
  • M.S.R.P: {MSRP}
  • Wholesale: {Wholesale Price}


If display is “Product:”

  • {Line Sheet Product Name} IF Empty, use {Product Name}
  • Style #: {Style}
  • Season: {Line Sheet Season} IF Empty, use {Season}
  • Color: {Color Code}
  • Size: {Size Code}
  • M.S.R.P: {MSRP}
  • Wholesale: {Wholesale Price}


If display is "All," the “Print Line Sheet” button will be disabled because it shows all levels (Style, Substyle, and SKU).