How can I disable the QuickBooks connection for a customer or channel?

Here's a quick way to disable part of the QuickBooks connection for a particular customer or channel.

Certain customers and channels operate on cash-based sales - meaning they pay you for a large number of orders at a time in the form of a settlement file rather than looking at each individual order. For these customers, you will not want every invoice posting to QuickBooks - just the summary of the settlement payment. Luckily, it's easy to change these settings.

Tip: For more on cash-based sales (and accrual-based sales), check out this guide.

First, you must create your customer or channel and complete setting them up.

From the Customer Settings page (see the above guide on completing customer setup), you will see two columns appear on both the unmapped and mapped tabs: Disable to QuickBooks Online and Post Summary.

Go to the Mapped tab - where you can see all of your customers and channels currently mapped to QuickBooks. Locate the customer you wish to update and toggle Post Summary to on. This will automatically turn on Disable to QuickBooks Online, as well.

From now on, your summary will post to QuickBooks but individual invoices will not.