How can I duplicate a Sales Order?

Here is a guide on how to quickly and easily duplicate a Sales Order (S/O) in DigitBridge.

Oftentimes, users have customers that order the same (or close to the same) items repeatedly. It would be a pain to have to create new orders each time. Luckily, there is a tool to avoid this.

Note: Everything below also applies if you are aiming to duplicate a Consignment Sales Order. Just go to Consignment Order Management instead of Sales Order Management.

Caution: While you can change the order type to an extent, you cannot duplicate a traditional S/O and make it a consignment S/O (or vice versa). 

Duplicating Sales Orders

In ERP, go to Sales > S/O Management.

Using the filter and sort tools, locate the order you with to copy. Click on it.

In the management screen, go to Action > Duplicate Sales Order.

Click Yes.

Now, your new order will appear. You can see the new sales order # as an uneditable field, but you can adjust anything else in the order (items, quantities, dates, etc.). Click Save when you're done.

Click Yes.