How can I search products/items in WMS?

Everything you need to know about conducting a search for products, items, etc. in the Warehouse Management System module as well as how to export your search results.

You can either do a catalog search or an inventory search. 

Catalog Item Search

Search Product

If you want to do a basic catalog search to look at which products are active in the WMS module, go to Catalog > View Catalog. Make sure any new items you've added in ERP have been synced to WMS. Refine your search to your specifications, or just click Search to view everything. 

To see more information about your product(s), click the gear icon to the right of the row in the Action column. The below menu will appear. 

The Details view will show you Product Details. 

Print will allow you to - using the template of your choice - print a barcode for that particular SKU or selected SKUs. 

Package / Weight, Flat Rate Option, Signature Option, Carrier Declared Value, Customs, and Product Status will allow you to view and/or edit each of those aspects of your product(s). You can also Delete SKUs from here, although the best practice would be to change the status of an item in ERP or delete it in ERP if you want it removed entirely.

Export/Download Search Results

To export or download your results to a .csv, simply click Export CSV in the upper right-hand corner. 

Determine which columns you want to export using the checkboxes (the default will be all columns). Either export the full results by clicking Export Search Result or just the ones showing on that individual page (which you can adjust at the bottom in the Results per page field) by clicking Download Current Page

Exporting vs. Downloading

Exporting: Exporting your search result will begin a job in the Export Center. The below window will appear. Click Check now. 

This will take you to the Export Center. Click Search.

You'll see your export history from the Request Date date range. Click Download under the Action column for the file you wish to download. This will download the .csv for you to open using the spreadsheet tool of your choice (Excel, Google Sheets, etc.)

Downloading: Clicking Download Current Page will download the .csv for you to open using the spreadsheet tool of your choice (Excel, Google Sheets, etc.).

Inventory Item Search

Search Product

To conduct your product search through the lens of available inventory/stock levels, you will - in WMS - go to Inventory > Search. Make sure to select a Warehouse and set your parameters to your specific needs. Click Search.

Note: "Hide Zero Quantity Item" will be the default. This will omit any items with an in-stock quantity of zero from the search results. To see items with zero inventory, deselect this option

This will show you all the information you need per your search parameters. Your SKUs, their location and zone (if applicable) within the warehouse, and the currently quantity in-stock.

Export Search Results

To export your results to a .csv, simply click Export CSV in the upper right-hand corner. 

Determine which columns you want to export using the checkboxes (the default will be all columns). Check Group by SKU if you want to see one row per SKU or leave it unchecked if you want to see one row per SKU by location (see examples below).

Either export the full results by clicking Export Search Result or just the ones showing on that individual page (which you can adjust at the bottom in the Results per page field) by clicking Download Current Page. For more information on Export vs. Download, use this link to scroll up on this page

Don't Group by SKU: This will show you one row per SKU per location. In the image below, the SKU has stock in two locations. Therefore, it has two lines.

Group by SKU: This will only show you one row per SKU. In the image below, the quantities from both locations have been added together to show the total in-stock quantity for that SKU.

Note: When Group by SKU is checked, you can only Export Search Result. Download Current Page will not be clickable.