How can I sync details from a Style and Substyle directly to SKUs?

Here is a guide on how to sync product details from a Style and Substyle to an individual product SKU.

Here is a scenario in which you might use this feature.

  1. First, you create a Style with 3 Substyles and 5 SKUs per Substyle. You have added a lot of detailed information in the system about these items.
  2. Some time later, you add some new sizes under one of the Substyles. You either create the product manually or use the Create Product Wizard to create this SKU. Much of that detail is missing from this new SKU.

Luckily, you do not need to manually add it - there's a faster way!

Let's go over an example together.

You can see from the example below that an existing SKU has a Wholesale Price, MSRP$, and image already (as well as many other attributes associated with the Substyle above it).

In ERP, go to Inventory > Product Management to find your new sizes.

Two new sizes were created under this Substyle. As you can see from the image below, they do not have images associated with them and are missing several other attributes (brand, pricing, etc.). Select your new SKUs and click Action > Sync Info from Substyle.

You will see a message alerting you that this was successful.

Click Apply again to refresh the search. Now, the image, brand, pricing, and all other information associated with the Substyle have been synced to these new SKUs.