How can I sync orders to my dropship supplier?

Here is a guide on how to resend an order from your seller profile to your supplier profile for a dropship order.

Note: This scenario is specifically designed for DigitBridge users who dropship with their own seller and supplier profiles within the platform. If this does not apply to you, this guide will not be relevant.

First thing you want to do is locate the Sales Order in your seller profile.

Seller Profile - Step 1

Go to Sales > S/O Management, search for the order, and click Apply.

In the General section under the Activity tab, confirm the existence the P/O.

Also in the General section, highlight and copy the Channel Order ID.

Supplier Profile - Step 2

Next, switch to your supplier profile

Go to Sales > S/O Management. Then search by Channel Order ID and paste the number in the search bar. Click Apply. As you can see, it is not here.

Seller Profile - Step 3

Go back to the seller profile. Go to Purchasing > P/O Management. Search by Channel Order ID and paste the number in the search bar.

There are two options for sending this P/O to the Supplier: from the list screen and from the P/O management screen

Option 1

Select the P/O. Click Action > Send P/O to Supplier.

Caution: Make sure you select the P/O first, or this will not work.

You will see a pop-up alerting you this was done successfully.

Option 2

Click on the Purchase Order in the P/O List. From the P/O Management screen, go to Action > Send P/O to Supplier.

You will see a pop-up alerting you this was done successfully.

Supplier Profile - Step 4

Go back to the supplier profile. Go to Sales > S/O Management. Then search by Channel Order ID and paste the number in the search bar. Click Apply. Now, it will appear.