How do dropship suppliers use the Vendor Portal?

Here's a guide to how dropship suppliers can view, enter, upload, download, etc. their Purchase Orders, Shipments, Invoices, and Returns.

First, get your dropship supplier set up on the Vendor Portal.

Purchase Orders (P/Os)

From the vendor portal, there are two ways a supplier can get to their orders. One is by going to the Get Things Done tab and clicking Dropship Order. This will take them to the Order List.

They can see your P/Os (called “Orders” in their view) by clicking the Order tab on the left. Click Apply to see all orders.

Clicking any one of the orders will take you to the Order Management screen. This will show you all the details about the order.

It’s also very easy to export and print your Order List. Go to Order on the left-hand menu bar. Click Apply to see all Orders. Then click Action > Print Report to print a report of all of your orders, or Export Selected to download any orders you have selected by checking the box to the left of the order.


From the vendor portal, there are two ways a supplier can get to Shipments. One is by going to the Get Things Done tab and clicking Shipment. This will take them to the Shipment List.

The other is by going directly to the Shipment tab on the left, which also opens the Shipment List. Click Apply to see all shipments. Click Add to create a new one.

After clicking Add, you’ll find yourself on the Dropship Shipment Management page. Enter the Order # or use the magnifying glass to search for it. Once the Order # is in, the Ship to and Products will update automatically. Enter the Shipment #, Shipping Carrier & Class, and the Return Tracking & Tracking #s. Under Ship Qty, enter the number of items being shipped or canceled. Enter any additional tracking by item information, if applicable. Click Save when you're done.

Click Yes.

You also have the option to upload your orders. 

Step 1: From the Shipment List screen, click Action > Download Template. This will download the required template in .csv format for you to open in the spreadsheet system of your choice (e.g., Excel, Google Sheets, etc.).

Step 2: Once you have the template, enter all shipment details. Save the file.

Step 3: Back on the Shipment List screen, click Action > Import.

Either drag your file(s) to the box as indicated or click to upload from your device. Click Import.

Your shipment information will now appear on the Shipment List. If it doesn’t show up immediately, click Apply.


From the vendor portal, there are two ways a supplier can get to Invoices. One is by going to the Get Things Done tab and clicking Invoice. This will take them to the Invoice List.

The other is by going directly to the Invoice tab on the left, which also opens the Invoice List. Click Apply to see all invoices. Click Add to create a new one.

Most if not all invoices will be created automatically when shipments are fulfilled. However, it is possible to create invoices manually.

Clicking Add will take you to the Invoice Management screen in Add Mode. Fill out the Invoice #, the Order # (which you can also find by using the magnifying glass icon), and the Customer P/O #. Set the Date and Due Date and fill out any other relevant information.

Scrolling down a little bit to Details, you'll see that the Ship To and Products information are already filled out. Check to make sure it looks right. The Invoice Summary Details will appear at the bottom. Feel free to add any Notes you’d like to. When you’re all done, click Save back up in the right-hand corner.

Click Yes

You also have the option to upload your invoices. 

Step 1: From the Invoice List screen, click Action > Download Template. This will download the required template in .csv format for you to open in the spreadsheet system of your choice (e.g., Excel, Google Sheets, etc.). 

Step 2: Once you have the template, enter all invoice details. Save the file.

Step 3: Back on the Invoice List screen, click Action > Import.

Either drag your file(s) to the box as indicated or click to upload from your device. Click Import.

Your invoice information will now appear on the Invoice List. If it doesn’t show up immediately, click Apply.


[coming soon]