Everything you'll need to know about Adding, Editing, or Deleting Customers in DigitBridge (plus viewing transaction history).
Managing customers in DigitBridge is very straightforward. In ERP, go to CRM > Customer.
Here you can see existing customers by clicking Apply. To add a new customer, click Add.
You are now in the Customer Management Screen. You will note that the Process Mode is currently set to Add. While in Add mode, you can enter in all the customer’s information. Customer # is where you can name your customer internally (e.g., KGDropship). In the Customer Name field, you can add their actual name (e.g., Kayla G.). You will also determine the Customer Type (see what are the different Customer Types) and Business Type (see how to create a business type and how to assign a business type to a customer). Phone is also a required field. Click Show More for more fields.
These additional Contact and Reference fields will appear. Click Show Less to collapse your view again.
Tip: You can use the Ref fields to enter in custom information that you can then run a report on in the future (for example - if you verify customer contact information annually - you can put "Verified" in Ref 1. On the Customer List, you can then filter and sort to only see what has been verified (or what hasn't been)).
Caution: There are certain characters that will not be accepted in a Customer #:
? | % | , | & | = | ' | " | \ | leading space | multiple continuous spaces
Best practice is to only use letters and numbers in Customer #s. However, there are some characters that you can use.
Characters that will be accepted:
- | _ | $ | # | @ | !
In the General section, you can also add a picture to the customer account. Check out this guide: How do I add an image to a customer profile?
Note: You will not be able to add the image initially. Once you save the customer and click Reload, you will be able to add an image.
Warning: If the Customer # field is left blank, DB will assign a sequence number to that customer that you can use going forward. We highly recommend you do not do this, as the sequence number will be hard to recognize going forward.
In addition to the initial fields at the top of the screen, there are tabs you can use to get even more detailed information stored. Addresses is where you enter billing and shipping information. Click Add Address for multiple entries. Each address must be assigned an Address Code and a Type. Click the plus sign on the left to expand the address information. Clicking the minus sign will collapse it.
If the customer's billing and shipping addresses are the same, you can easily duplicate an address. Just right-click anywhere in the row and click Duplicate Row.
An identical row will appear below it.
Add a unique Address Code and adjust the Type to Billing (or whatever type it is).
Warning: If you enter a sales order for a customer without an associated primary shipping address, the order will be put on hold and blocked from sending to the warehouse for fulfillment. Make sure you always add a shipping address to each customer. E-commerce orders do not fall into this category.
Accounting is for billing-related data (credit cards, discount rates, tax rates, shipping & handling settings, etc.). Entering info here allows you to save so you only have to do it once.
Caution: The way you set this up will have an impact on future invoices. So, make sure the payment, tax, discount, shipping, handling, etc. information is complete with each customer you add.
Click Manage Credit Card to add credit card information. Only do this if you are processing payments through DigitBridge.
Note: You must first enter and save an email address to the customer profile.
Here you can see Credit Cards on File or add a new one. Enter the Credit Card Info and Billing Info. Or, to skip this section, select Use Default Billing Address. Click Add when you're done. This is also where you'll come to update credit card info for existing customers.
Note: Use Default Billing Address will not work until you have saved a Billing Address to the profile. If you're still in the initial Add stage, save the address first, then come back to add the card.
Below Handling, you can see Credits and Transactions. Credits is where you can see all of the customer's credits (both used and unused). For a more complete view, click Detail. This will open a larger list of the customer's credits. Transactions is where you can see the complete transaction history of a particular customer. For a more complete view, click Detail. This will open a report of the customer's past transactions. For more on credits & transaction, check out these guides: How can I view customer credits? How do I view customer transactions?
Sales Reps (see: how to create a sales rep). Enter sales rep and commission info here if applicable.
Custom Attributes is where you can assign pre-set Attributes that were created during onboarding. How can I create custom attributes?
On the right-hand side, you will see the Assistant Window. This will show you historical customer data over time.
Once you have added all the information needed for your new customer, click Save in the upper right-hand corner.
Click Yes.
You will get two notifications: one letting you know that this was successful and a second one reminding you to complete your customer setup by mapping it to a channel and/or QuickBooks if necessary.
Check out this guide for instructions on how to map a new customer to a channel and to QuickBooks.