How do I add a vendor?

Everything you'll need to know about Adding, Editing, or Deleting Vendors in DigitBridge.

Managing vendors in DigitBridge is very straightforward. On the left-hand menu bar, click Purchasing > Vendor Management. Here you can see existing vendors by clicking Apply. To add a new vendor, click Add.

You are now in the Vendor Management Screen. You will note that the Process Mode is currently set to Add. While in Add mode, you can enter in all the vendor's information. Note: Vendor # is where you can name your vendor internally (e.g., ABCMan). In the Vendor Name field, you can add their actual name (e.g., ABC Manufacturing.). You will also determine the Vendor Type (see: what are the vendor types).

Warning: If the Vendor # field is left blank, DB will assign a sequence number to that vendor that you can use going forward. We highly recommend against this as the sequence number will be hard to recognize going forward.

In the General section, click Show More.

This will show you all of the additional fields shown below in the boxes.

Tip: You can use the miscellaneous Reference 1-6 fields to enter in custom information that you can then run a report on in the future.

For example - if you verify vendor contact information annually, you can put "Verified" in Reference 1. On the Vendor List, you can then filter and sort to only see what has been verified (or what hasn't been).

Caution: There are certain characters that will not be accepted in a Vendor #:

? | % | , | & | = | ' | " | \ | leading space | multiple continuous spaces

Best practice is to only use letters and numbers in Vendor #s. However, there are some characters that you can use.

Characters that will be accepted: 

- | _ | $ | # | @ | !

Addresses is for additional address information (e.g., if billing and shipping are different, if a vendor has multiple warehouses, etc.). Each address must be assigned an Address Code and a Type. Click the plus sign on the left to expand the address information. Click the minus sign to collapse it. See below for the expanded view. 

Note: Clicking Save Address in the expanded view will save changes make to that address but will not save any other changes made on the vendor record. It is not required to click Save Address here if you click Save in the upper right-hand corner.

Accounting is where you can enter the Vendor's Tax ID and any associated Discount %.

Use the Dropship Supplier tab to get the Vendor set up in DigitBridge's Vendor Portal and adjust their settings to determine whether or not they are a dropship supplier

If you need any Custom Attributes that weren't created during onboarding, you can learn how to do that here. How can I create custom attributes?

If your Vendor uses different SKUs to identify their products, you can enter them here in the Vendor SKU tab. This will be easiest if you paste from a spreadsheet as it will likely be many items (if applicable). How do I use the Paste from Excel tool for bulk data entry? 

Once you have added all the information needed for your new vendor, click Save in the upper right-hand corner.

Click Yes.

There are often steps remaining when setting up a vendor (e.g., mapping to the corresponding vendor in your accounting software). Check out this user guide on how to complete setup for a vendor.