How do I add users and set permissions?

Everything you need to know about adding (and removing) DigitBridge users and setting their account permissions.

You will likely want different levels of access for your employees - this allows you to safely moderate what they can and cannot see.

Another handy use for this is that you can deselect certain features on your own profile to hide them from your menu. If you know you won't be using something, there's no reason for it to be cluttering up your view.

Adding Users

This function will occur in the Commerce Central module. To get there, click on the DigitBridge logo in the upper left-hand side. This will immediately take you to Commerce Central.

At the bottom of the left-hand menu, go to Administration > Users.

This will take you to the Users screen where you can see your current users as well as keep an eye on any invitations that haven't been accepted yet. To add a new user, click Add new user.

Enter in their full name and email address and click Send Invitation. This will send an email to the user with a link for them to activate their account.

Removing Users

From the Users page (shown above, locate the user you wish to remove by scrolling or typing their name in the search bar. Click the trashcan icon next to their name. 

Click Delete if you are sure you wish to remove this user.

Warning: You cannot undo the removal of a user. You can always add the same user again, but their previous activity log within the system will not be recoverable.

Managing Permissions

Before you can manage permissions, you first must create the different roles you want for your users. This will likely be done during your onboarding process, but it is always possible to add a new role should the need arise. Go to Administration > Roles.

Here, you will see all current roles. Click Add New Role.

Enter in the name of the role and a note describing it. Click Save.

You can click the pencil icon to rename the role, or the trashcan icon to delete it. For now, click Manage Permissions.

From the Role Permissions screen, first click Edit.

Now that the permissions are editable, you can go down the list and give the user No access, View access, View & Edit access, or Admin access across several different arenas.

Note: Please note that for certain categories, such as Sales Orders, Customers, and Invoices, View means the user can view only their own sales orders. View & Edit means they can view and edit only their own sales orders.

You can click the round circles next to each feature to adjust one by one or click the square check boxes to automatically select all in that segment.

Now that you have created a new Role, go back to Administration > Users and click Manage Permissions.

On the User Permission screen, once you hit Edit, you can go through and manually update permissions or assign a Role Template to the user. Click Select a Role Template and select from the drop down menu.

Click Apply Selected Role Template.

Then Click Save.