How do I apply approval settings for Sales Orders?

Here is how you create approval settings, assign approvers, and approve Sales Orders.

If you want to require approvals for certain sales orders, there is a way to set this up in DigitBridge. Often an organization will want e-commerce orders to automatically be approved and processed. However, large wholesale orders entered by sales reps manually are treated differently. Here is how you can implement and carry out approval protocols.

Setting up Approvals

First, in ERP, go to Settings > System > System Parameters Settings > S/O & Invoice. Look at section: S/O Approval. The default is for everything to be off, meaning all orders get sent through automatically.

Toggle Enable S/O approval to "on." This will make it so that all S/Os require approval.

If you want certain types of orders to go through automatically without approval, toggle Enable Auto Approved to "on." Under Auto Approved S/O Types, enter in all types of orders that you do not want approval requirements for.

When you're done, click Setup Approval.

Here you can set up the different types of approval needed as well as the users with approval capabilities. Typically, companies only require one level of approval. For this guide, we will require three: someone in a Manager role, an Inventory Control role, and an Accounting role. Add users under the Email column. You can add more than one user per line. 

Please note: if there are three lines under S/O Approval Setup, Sales Orders will need to be approved three times - once by someone in each role. If there is only a single line with multiple users assigned, the S/O only needs to be approved one time by one of those users.

Click Add Line for each new role/level of approval. Click Save when done.

Approving S/Os

Here we have a wholesale order that requires approval. This cannot be sent to the warehouse yet and will remain in a status of Pending until approved.

As an appointed approver, it's easy to approve this S/O. Click Action > Approve S/O (at the very bottom of the dropdown).

Enter your user email address and the date (if they haven't been auto-filled) and use the dropdown to select what role you are approving under. Click Ok.

You will get a notification that this was done successfully. 

Now, because the S/O needs to be approved by three different roles, we'll go through it twice more. As the Inventory Control person,

And the Accounting person.

Once a S/O has gone through the required number of approvals, it will update to the status of Approved. This will send it automatically to the warehouse to be fulfilled.

Soon, we will add a notification aspect where all assigned approvers will receive a notification when a S/O requires approval. Instructions to follow.