How do I assemble and disassemble bundles?

IN PROGRESSHere is a guide on how to assemble a bundle/bundles and how to disassemble them.

If your business uses bundles in its operations (see: What is the difference between a Prepack, a Case Pack, and a Bundle?), it will be useful to be able to assemble and disassemble them in bulk.

Before doing this, you will need to create a bundle or bundles (see: How do I create a Product Bundle?).

Assembling Bundles

First, in ERP, go to Inventory > Bundle Assemble List.

This will open your Bundle Assemble List. Click Apply to see your past assemblies. To create a new one, click Add.

In the General section, make sure the WHSE (warehouse) # is correct. If this is a temporary bundle, enter Start and End Dates. If not, make sure those fields are clear. Enter any description or notes you'd like.

Warning: If this is a bundle you intend to keep (i.e., not for a limited time), you must make sure these fields are left blank. If there are dates in there, hover your mouse over the date and click the little "x" icon that appears. If you don't clear these dates, the bundle will deactivate automatically on the End Date.

In the Bundle tab, enter which bundle(s) you wish to assemble in the SKU column. Enter the quantity in the Bundle Assemble Qty column.

The Bundle Detail tab will show you a breakdown of exactly how much of which item will be needed to assemble these bundles.

When you're done, click Save.

Click Yes.

Disassembling Bundles

If you need to disassemble any bundles, in ERP, go to Inventory > Bundle Disassemble List.

This will open your Bundle Disassemble List. Click Apply to see your past disassemblies. To create a new one, click Add.

In the General section, make sure the WHSE (warehouse) # is correct. Enter any description or notes you'd like.

In the Bundle tab, enter which bundle(s) you wish to assemble in the SKU column. Enter the quantity in the Bundle Assemble Qty column.



When you're done, click Save.


Click Yes.