How do I assign values to product materials within my SKUs?

Here is a guide on how to enter values associated with the specific materials that make up your items.

If you have products that are made up of various components each carrying unique value, and if you use those values to adjust your costs, it's important that you use the Product Material Value tool.

Assigning Product Material Value

First, you need to have material value codes. Next, find which product you want to update. Go to Inventory > Product Management.

Next, find the item you wish to edit and click on it.

In the Inventory Management screen, click Action > Material Value.

Enter in the appropriate amount in the Weight column. In the $ Price column, enter the cost per unit. For example, this item is 5 grams of 18k gold. Gold is $250 per gram. The $ Value will calculate the total value of gold in this product. Click OK when you are done.

Note: The unit of measurement doesn't need to be the same for each row. If material is measured in ounces, you would enter the number of ounces in the Weight column and the cost per ounce in the $ Price column. As long as the unit of measurement is the same within a single row, the function will work as expected.

Click Save.

Click Yes.

These values being assigned correctly will allow you to use DigitBridge's bulk product cost and price update function.