How do I associate a Prepack with a Style?

Here's a guide on how to assign a Prepack Code to a particular Style.

This guide contains instructions both step by step (with screenshots) and in a video

Written Instructions

First, you need to make sure you have Prepack Codes set up.

Next, in ERP, go to Inventory > Style Master Management.

Search for the Style you wish to add a Prepack to. Click Apply. Click on the Style.

On the Style Master Management screen, change over to Edit mode. Go to the Prepack tab. Select the Prepack # from the dropdown. 

The Description and Detail Preview will populate. Click Save when you are done. 

Note: Clicking the pencil icon under Prepack Detail will pull up the size quantity details for the prepack, but you may not edit them from here.

Click Yes.

Video Instructions

Below is a video (with no sound) of the entire process as outlined above.

See related:

How do I create a new Product Prepack?

How do I create Prepack SKUs?