How do I Bulk Add Product?

Here is a guide on how to add items in bulk without doing a file import.

This process is very similar to the Product Bulk Entry tool. This tool is to be used in lieu of a product file import

In ERP, go to Inventory > Bulk Add Product. 

It is possible to go line by line here but at that point, you're better off adding the products one by one under Product Management. If you still want to do line by line, enter the product information (don't forget to scroll right for more fields) and click Add Line to add the next line. 

Note: The only required fields are SKU and Title. But it is recommended to be as thorough as possible.

The best thing to do here would be to paste from a spreadsheet. You have a couple of options here. You could go through your spreadsheet to make sure the column headers match exactly with those in DigitBridge. Or, to be safe, you can right-click anywhere in the grid and click Copy to Excel.

Paste into a blank page in a spreadsheet file. I am using Google Spreadsheet, but Excel works as well (or anything that uses .csv). 

Tip: The pro for doing it this way is that there is no chance of the header in your spreadsheet not matching up with DigitBridge and if you do it manually, there's always the chance for human error.

Fill out your spreadsheet with the product information. Select all of the cells you wish to have uploaded (you can use the Ctrl/command+a or click the box in the upper left-hand corner of the spreadsheet to select all). 

Warning: It is crucial that you remember to select and copy the headers as well (and that they match exactly with what is in DigitBridge). Without them, the system will not know where to map the data and nothing will appear.

Back in DigitBridge, right-click anywhere in the grid and click Paste From Excel - Update Grid.

All of your product information will appear. Click Save.

Click Yes.

Your products have been added. 

You now have the option to view your new items on the inventory list. Click Yes if you wish to do so.

The new items have appeared (these items are different from the earlier demonstration - However, they will show whatever you have just added).