How do I change the status of products/items in ERP?

Here's where you will learn how to mark items active, inactive, discontinued, etc.

You can change the status of an item or product either one at a time or in bulk. Let's start with one by one.

One by one

In ERP, go to Inventory > Product Management. Enter the Style, Substyle, or individual SKU you want to adjust. Click Apply.

Click on the SKU you wish to update. On the Inventory Management screen, change over to Edit mode.

Next, change the status of the item to whichever one you want. Click Save.

Click Yes.

In Bulk

In ERP, go to Inventory > Product Management. Locate the Style(s) or Substyle(s) you want to adjust. Click Apply.

Note the status of all items shown is Discontinued. 

Select each item you want to update the status of. Click Action > Bulk Update.

From the Bulk Update screen, change the Status to whatever you want it to be. Click OK.

This notification will appear.

For the moment, your items still show as Discontinued. Click Apply again, and the status will immediately update.

See Related:

How do I change product status in WMS?