How do I complete setting up a Customer?

Everything you need to know about completing setup of a customer from channel mapping to QuickBooks Mapping.

Add a New Customer

First, you will need to create a new Customer in ERP.

Setup Channel Customer Mapping

You can do this in two places:

From Customer Management

Do this if you want to map to a channel for a specific customer. On the Customer Management page for that customer, click Action > Map to Channel. 

Locate the Channel Account you wish to map. In the Customer # column, type or use the search function to select the Customer. Make any necessary adjustments to the toggles (e.g. if you are holding tax or not).

Note: If this channel is set up for automatic order download, every order for that channel will now be assigned to this customer.

Note: For most channels and marketplaces, tax withdrawal and payment are processed directly. If Hold Tax is toggled on it means that tax will not be included in each invoice.

When this is complete, click Save.

Click Yes.

You will get a notification telling you this was successful.

From Admin Tools

Do this if you want map a specific channel to a customer (rather than the other way around). Go to Admin Tools > Customer & Vendor Settings > Channel Account Settings.

Locate the Channel Account you wish to map. In the Customer # column, type or use the search function to select the Customer you want. Make any necessary adjustments to the toggles (e.g. if you are holding tax or not).

Note: If this channel is set up for automatic order download, every order for that channel will now be assigned to the corresponding customer.

Note: For most channels and marketplaces, tax withdrawal and payment are processed directly. If Hold Tax is toggled on it means that tax will not be included in each invoice.

When this is complete, click Save.

Click Yes.

Setup QuickBooks Mapping (if applicable)

If you use QuickBooks, you will want your new customer in DigitBridge (DB) mapped to the corresponding customer there. You can do this in two ways:

From Customer Management

From the Customer Management screen of a particular customer, click Actions > Map to QuickBooks Customer.

Caution: Before this step can be completed, you must make sure you've added the customer in QuickBooks. 

From the Unmapped tab, you will see all of your customers in DB that have not yet been mapped to a QuickBooks customer. Locate the customer - then, search for the QuickBooks Customer Name by clicking the magnifying glass in that column and selecting the corresponding name. If this is an accrual-based sales customer, toggle Disable to QuickBooks Online and Post Summary to on.

If this is a cash-based sales customer, Disable to QuickBooks Online and Post Summary should remain off.

Now that you have synced your codes, the QuickBooks Customer ID will be available. Click Save when you're done.

Click Yes.

You will get an alert that this was successful. 

From Admin Tools

In ERP, go to Settings > QuickBooks > Integration Setup.

This takes you to the Connection Management tab. Click Sync All Codes.

A notification will appear alerting you that the syncing was successful. 

Now, go to the Customer Mapping tab. DB uses this to link its customers to your QuickBooks customers. This enables DB to post accounts receivable transactions, such as invoices and payments, to QuickBooks. Click Customer Settings.

Caution: Before this step can be completed, you must make sure you've added the customer in QuickBooks. 

From the Unmapped tab, you will see all of your customers in DB that have not yet been mapped to a QuickBooks customer. Find the customer you are looking for - then, search for the QuickBooks Customer Name by clicking the magnifying glass in that column and selecting the corresponding name. If this is an accrual-based sales customer, toggle Disable to QuickBooks Online and Post Summary to on.

If this is a cash-based sales customer, Disable to QuickBooks Online and Post Summary should remain off.

Now that you have synced your codes, the QuickBooks Customer ID will be available. Click Save when you're done.

Click Yes.

Click Save again.

Click Yes.

See related:

How can I disable the QuickBooks connection for a customer or channel?

How can I create a customer or channel in QuickBooks?

How do I find invoices that are missing a QuickBooks ID?