- DigitBridge Knowledge Base
- Warehouse
- Locations
How do I create a new location in the warehouse?
Everything you need to know about creating locations in the WMS module.
In WMS, go to Administration > Warehouse > Location Management.
Select the warehouse you wish to create location(s) in.
Your existing locations will appear below. To create a new one, click Add Location.
Enter the name of the new location you are creating. Determine whether or not it is a container or is in a Zone (if you are using Zones) and add any notes you feel are necessary. Click Add.
Your location has been created. Now, in the Location Code search field, type in the name of your new location and click Search. It will now appear.
Select the box next to your location and click Batch Print.
Select the printer and the templated format you will use to print (most common for this would be 4x6"). Click Print or Export to PDF.
This is what your label will look like:
You now have a functional warehouse location.
See related:
How do I move items from one location to another?
How do I move inventory from a virtual warehouse to a location?