How do I create a new Product Prepack?

Here are instructions on how to add a new Product Prepack Code in DigitBridge.

In inventory management, "Prepack" means a set of products grouped together before they are sent to the store. This set can include different sizes, colors, or styles. Prepacks make it easier for stores to refill inventory quickly and match what customers are likely to buy, helping them keep a good balance of items available.

You will need to create Prepack Codes that align with the sizes of your products. This is very simple.

In ERP, go to Admin Tools > Product Settings > Product Prepack Codes.

Type in the Prepack # (the internal name of your Prepack Code) and the Description. In the Edit Detail column, click the pencil icon

Type in a Size in the Size column (or use the dropdown). Click Add to add a new line, or just hit the Enter/Return key. Do this until you have all of the sizes you want to include. Then, enter the Pack Quantity (the quantity of this size within the prepack) for each line. Click OK when you're done.

Note: Make sure you are selecting sizes relevant to the SKUs you are going to have in this Prepack.

If your SKU structure includes Length or Width, add that here as well.

Once you're done adding and editing your Prepacks, click Save.

Click Yes.

See related:

How do I associate a Prepack with a Style?

How do I create Prepack SKUs?