How do I create a Pick Ticket?

Everything you need to know to create and search a Pick Ticket (P/T) in the ERP Module.

To create a P/T, in ERP, first find a S/O (Sales > S/O Management) you're ready to fulfill. Change the status from Pending to Ready to Ship. Click Save.

Click Yes.

Next, go to Pick Ticket > Pick Ticket Processing.

Use the Search and Filter functions to search for a specific P/T based on the parameter(s) you choose. Click Apply to see all existing P/Ts and you will notice a new one at the top from the S/O you just updated. Click on it to get to the management screen and view your P/T details.

Note: It is possible to create a new P/T from here, but the best practice is to have the P/T created automatically from a new S/O. To set that up, check out this guide [guide to come].

On the management screen, this banner message will appear. If you need to make edits to the P/T, the order must be abandoned in WMS first.

The status is currently processing, which means it is ready to fulfill in WMS

Back on the Pick Ticket List screen, if you want to print your P/T, select the row(s) and click Action > Print Report. This will download the P/T as a PDF for you to view and print.