How do I create a Product Bundle?

If you offer any of your products bundled, this is where you will learn how to set that up in ERP.

Creating the Bundle SKU

There are several scenarios in which a user might want to bundle items. Luckily, it is a very easy process. Start by going to Inventory > Product Management. Click Add.

Under SKU, enter in the name you would like to use for your bundle. Make sure it is set as a Bundle SKU Type. Add pricing and any other details you need.

Under the Product Detail tab, make sure that Non-Stockable is toggled on. This is important because while the items in a bundle are stockable, the bundle itself is not.

Click Save.

Click Yes.

Putting Items in the Bundle

You will now be in Edit mode and a new tab will become available: Bundle.

Add a line for each item you want to include in your bundle, as well as setting the quantity for how many of those items are in each bundle.

Click Save.

Click Yes.

Bundles in S/Os

Now, you will see this available to add to Sales Orders. Go to Sales > S/O Management.

Click Add. (See: How to create a Sales Order)

Create your sales order as usual. Under Lines, enter the bundle SKU. Set the Order UT (quantity of units ordered).

Now click the arrow next to the bundle to expand and see each item. You will notice in the Order UT column the amount of each item that is being ordered. It will be the quantity of that item in the bundle multiplied by how many bundles are being ordered.

Click Save.

Click Yes.

See related:

How do I create a Product Style?

How do I create a Product SKU?