How do I create a proforma invoice?

Here are quick instructions on how to create a proforma invoice in the ERP module.

A proforma invoice is an initial bill or estimated invoice sent to the buyer before providing goods or services. It outlines item descriptions, the total amount due, and transaction specifics, aiming to request advance payment from the buyer. 

It is easy to create an Accounts Payable proforma invoice upon completion of the creation of a Purchase Order (P/O). 

See the initial instructions in this article: How do I view or edit a Purchase Order? Scroll down to the second image from the end.

Once you have created the Proforma Invoice, a clickable number will now appear under the Info tab. Click Save.

Click Yes.

Clicking on that number will take you directly to the A/P Proforma Invoice Management screen where you can view, edit, or delete this proforma invoice. You can see it also links back to the original P/O. 

If you just want to see existing A/P proforma invoices, go to Accounts Payable > A/P Proforma Invoice and click Apply.

See related:

How do I create a Purchase Order?