How do I create a Purchase Order?

Here is where you will learn how to create a Purchase Order.

To start in ERP, go to Purchasing > P/O Management

Click Add.

This takes you to the Purchase Order Management screen, in Add mode. The P/O # will generate once the P/O has been created. Enter the Vendor #, relevant Dates, P/O Type, and any other relevant information. Click Show More to expand the General section.

Everything in the box below will appear. Click Show Less to collapse your view back to what it was before.

Scrolling down, you will see six tabs: Lines, Addresses, SKUs, Materials, Activity, and Custom Attributes.


Lines is where you will enter what items are in the P/O using one of two options:

First, you can use the Style Master to add items.

In the Inventory Matrix, enter the Style you are looking for and select a WHSE # (Warehouse). All children Sub-Styles and SKUs will appear and you can go through and enter the quantity for each item you'd like to add to the P/O. When you are done, click Apply and all of the SKUs will appear on the right-hand side. When you click Close, you'll see everything has been added to the P/O grouped by Substyle. You can click the arrow to the left of the line to expand and see all individual SKUs.

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The second option would be to add the items one line at a time. Enter the SKU, press the Tab key, and wait for the rest of the information to populate. Enter the quantity of items being ordered on this P/O under P/O Qty. Enter the Price. To see more product information, click the plus sign next to the SKU. 

This view shows you more details, including an image of the item. Click the minus sign to collapse the row.

If you want to enter a Prepack SKU, there are additional instructions on how to do so here (scroll to Purchase Order).

Notes & Summary

At the very bottom you will see the Notes and Summary sections. Add any notes you want.


The Address tab will show you the primary Shipping and Billing addresses for the vendor.


SKUs shows you the SKUs in the P/O in the order in which they were entered. For example, let's say, under Lines, that you entered a line for a SKU in a particular Substyle. Next, you entered an unrelated SKU. 

At a later date, you enter a new SKU in the same Substyle as the first.

When you're done entering that line, it will automatically nestle under the umbrella of that Substyle. Clicking the arrow next to the Substyle will expand the rows as seen below.

However, let's say that you need to view your items in the order that they were entered, not organized hierarchically. Go to the SKUs tab for that view.

This even works if you decide to add another line to the P/O of the same SKU as one of the lines already entered.


Materials is where you can enter in any material costs associated with the P/O.


Activity will show you the lifecycle of the P/O and all related items. Because this is a new P/O, this section is empty. But as the order progresses, you will start to see other items appear (P/O Receive, A/P Bill, etc.).

Custom Attributes

Custom Attributes is where you can assign pre-set Attributes that were created during onboarding.

Once you're done with your P/O, click Save.

Click Yes.

The P/O # will automatically populate.

This will send it to the warehouse where it'll be ready to receive.

Caution: It may take up to five minutes for your new Purchase Order to appear in the WMS module.