How do I create a virtual warehouse?

There are some very easy steps to creating a virtual warehouse for a consignment customer.

When you have a consignment customer, you must set up a virtual warehouse for them. The system will record the flow of items to and from this customer as warehouse transfers rather than traditional shipments. Therefore, a "to" warehouse must be established for each customer. There are two ways to do this depending on if you want the warehouse name to be the same as the customer code or if you want to create a unique warehouse name.

Warehouse Name = Customer Code

This is the fastest way to create a virtual warehouse. In ERP, go to CRM > Customers.

Search for and then click Apply to locate the customer you wish to create a virtual warehouse for. Click that customer #.

In the General section, click Show More.

While in Edit mode, you have the option of selecting an existing warehouse from the dropdown menu Consignment Virtual WHSE #. 

In this example, however, we are creating a new virtual warehouse. Click Create Virtual Warehouse. 

You will get a notification that this was successfully done.

Now, you'll see a value in the Virtual WHSE # field matching the Customer #.

Click Save. 

Click Yes.

Warehouse Name = Something New

If you want your virtual warehouse to have a name different than the customer code, go to Admin Tools > Product Settings > Warehouse Settings.

Click Add Line.

Scroll down to the very bottom and click the plus sign next to the blank row.

Scroll down into the empty fields. Enter the name you want under WHSE #, set the Type as Warehouse, and toggle Virtual to "on." Add any additional information you like.

Click Save.

Click Yes.

Next, you can go into the Customer Management screen (see instructions above), click Show More in the General section, and (in Edit mode) select a Consignment Virtual WHSE # from the dropdown.

Click Save.

Click Yes.