How do I create an individual product SKU?

Here is a guide on how to create a product unaffiliated with a Style or Substyle in ERP.

Some businesses do not require a hierarchical organization for their SKU structure. And some that do still may need some SKUs to exist outside of that hierarchical organization. Here is a guide on how to create a new, standalone product. 

In ERP, go to Inventory > Product Management.

From the Inventory List screen, click Add. This will take you to the Inventory Management screen in Add Mode. Enter your SKU, Product Name, Description, Category, and Class. Choose a Brand (if you have more than one). Update the Status to Active. Click Show More to see more field options.

All of the fields in the box will appear. To collapse to the previous view, click Show Less.

Caution: There are certain characters that will not be accepted in a SKU:

? | % | , | & | = | ' | " | \ | leading space | multiple continuous spaces

Best practice is to only use letters and numbers in SKUs. However, there are some characters that you can use.

Characters that will be accepted: 

- | _ | $ | # | @ | !

In the Product Detail tab, you will enter pricing, product control, size & color, and other settings (what is your desired minimum stock level, lead time, etc.). You’ll also enter the physical dimensions of the product and any other relevant fields.

Click Show More next to Size & Color to see everything included in the box below.

Click Show More next to Other Settings to see everything included in the box below, specifically Physical specifications (length, weight, etc.) and Case Pack options.

Inventory is where you can view details as to the current inventory of the item. It will show what you have in stock in all of your warehouses (physical and virtual). 

Custom Attributes is where you can assign pre-set attributes that were created during onboarding.

When you're done making all of your changes, click Save.

Click Yes.