How do I create an Operation Set?

A guide on creating customized Operation Sets to quickly view the information you want to see separated out from everything else.

Operation Sets are helpful because you can use them to create personalized views depending on what information you want to see.

First, in the PIM Module, you will go to Settings > Products > Operations Sets. Click Add Operation Set.

Type in the name and description of the Operation Set you are creating. For example, maybe you want to see the product name, SKU, and all images. Indicate that in your set description.

Now, you can search by your newly created set. To refine it, click Manage Attributes.

You can search specific attributes in the "Search here" box or use the Name and Source columns to filter and sort your results. Start selecting attributes

It is important to note that you must click the blue, right-arrow in the middle of the menu to assign these attributes to this set.

Warning: Do this before clearing your current filtered search, or you will lose your progress.

Once the attributes appear on the right-hand side, you can re-order them using the up/down arrows.

Hit Save when you're done.

Now, you're ready to use your set.