How do I create and fulfill a prepack request?

Everything you need to know about assembling a prepack from your inventory.

In some industries - primarily footwear - most if not all items are sold as part of prepacks. For more information on prepacks, check out this guide.

Creating the Pack Request

To pull together items from your stock into a prepack, follow these instructions. From ERP, go to Inventory > Prepack > Pack. Click Add.

On the Pack Management screen that appears, under Prepack, type in the prepack SKU that you want to pack.

Type in the quantity of packs you want to assemble.

If your current stock of a particular item is insufficient to complete these packs, you will receive the following error notification.

Enter the dates during which the packing will take place and any description needed. Click Save.

Click Yes.

Your pack request has been saved, but not sent to the warehouse yet. Making sure you are in Edit mode, adjust the status from Pending to Open. 

Click Save again. 

Click Yes again.

Back on the Pack List, if you click Apply, you will see our new pack request at the very top.

Prepping the Prepack(s)

For this next portion, we will go to WMS. Go to Pre-Pack > Pack. Click Search. Your recent pack request from ERP will appear at the top under a status of Pending. Click the gear icon next to the word More. Click View

From the Pack Prepack (View) menu, you have the option to print four different things.

Print Picklist

Note: You will want one of these before you begin to process (i.e., pick the items for) the pack.

This will prepare a picklist for the pack request. Click Print.

The ERP # (i.e. the pack request #) is the first thing on the list (1). The request barcode will be at the top (2). It indicates that there are 9 unique SKUs in the prepack (3) and how many prepacks need to be packed (4). Then you have the barcode for the Prepack SKU (5). Below that is a list of each child SKU (6) and the quantity needed total (the quantity of that SKU in the prepack multiplied by the number of packs being made) (7). 

Print Prepack SKU Label

Note: You will want one of these to put on your finished pack. 

This will generate a single label to affix to the fully assembled prepack once it's been packed. Click Print.

This is the barcode for the Prepack SKU (5, when looking at the above picklist).

Print Prepack SKU Detail Label

[More to come]

Print Child SKU Label

Note: Your items will likely already have barcode labels on them, so this may be unnecessary for you and you can move ahead to the next step.

This command will allow you to print small labels for each individual child SKU going into the requested prepacks. Click Print. 

Here is an example of what this would look like. 

Picking the Prepack(s)

For the purposes of this guide, we will assume the user has a scanner and is scanning barcodes rather than typing information into the system. While typing is possible, it is highly recommended (not to mention easier) to use a scanner.

Note: You will need your picklist handy in order to scan your items. Use the numbers for your reference in the following steps.

In WMS, go to Sales Order > Smart.

This screen will appear. Click Prepack.

You will have two options: Pick For Pack and unpack. Since we are packing new prepacks, click Pick For Pack.

Scan the first item on your picklist (6 on the picklist image). You can also click More Action > Go Back to go back one screen (this option will be available on all screens going forward).

Next, you will see a list of locations where that item can be found in your warehouse. In this example, there is only one location, but there can be multiple. Scan the location barcode you are pulling the item from.

Now that you have the "from" location, you will scan the item barcode.

Warning: This is not the same barcode as the picklist. The item barcodes on the picklist have a unique identifier associating them with this particular pack order. When prompted to scan a SKU, you must scan the barcode on the item itself, not the picklist.

You can see from the above image that the quantity needed is 2. Scan the item again and the Qty value will increase to 2. Click Next.

A menu will appear telling you you've picked enough of that item.

Now, scan the next item barcode from your picklist (not from the physical item). Click OK.

Scan the location barcode again, then scan the physical item barcode, and so on. When you reach items that require a large quantity, you are able to manually type in the Qty value rather than having to scan it each time.

Caution: While this shortcut can save you time, scanning every single item will minimize the chances of errors.

When you've finished with the last SKU, click Cancel on the pop-up menu instead of OK.

Navigate back to WMS proper.

Packing the Prepack(s)

Back on the Pack Prepack View menu, click Process.

You also can exit out of this menu and click Process in the Action column from the Prepack Pack List screen.

This opens up the Pack Repack (Process) screen.

Note: Please use this image for reference as you move forward.

First, you scan or type the Request # (1). Next, scan or type the Prepack SKU (5). As soon as you do this, the complete list of SKUs will populate under Current Process.

In the input field: Child SKU#, start scanning or typing the SKUs and set the quantity.

Note: this is being done one pack at a time. If a prepack has one of a specific SKU and you are packing two of them, you do not scan two right away. Scan one, complete the rest of the pack, then start again. This is to ensure maximum accuracy.

As you hit Submit, the rows will begin to turn green. 

Once you scan the final SKU, this screen will appear. Click Confirm. 

Your first pack is complete! Repeat the process for your second pack (or however many were ordered). When you're done, this screen will appear again. Click Confirm.

You will notice on the far right-hand side a log of your packing. Click Expand.

You will see a complete list of items in the packs. The amount Requested originally and the amount that has been Packed. The Picked value will be 0 - at first, it had a numerical value and the Packed value was 0. But once the picked items were packed, the Picked value became 0 and the Packed value became the old Picked value.

Back on the Prepack/Pack/List screen, this pack request has updated to reflect that the packs have been done.

Click the gear icon/More button under the Action column. Click Complete.

Click Yes.

Your pack orders have been completed! After a couple of minutes, the list will update and show you the status "Completed" and that it was successfully synced back to ERP.

Closing the Prepack Request

Only one thing remains: to close out the prepack request in ERP. In ERP, go back to the Pack List, click Apply, and click on the pack you are working on. Change the process mode to Close.

Click the newly available blue Close button.

Click Yes.

You will now notice the "In Stock" value for this prepack has changed.

You're finished!