How do I do a warehouse transfer?

Here is a guide on how to transfer items or products from one location to another.

In the event that you want to move items from one warehouse to another, it's easy to do so.

Note: These instructions work if you are transferring to another physical warehouse or to a virtual warehouse.

In ERP, go to Inventory > Warehouse Transfers.

On the Warehouse Transfer list screen, click Add.

Enter the warehouse you are transferring from and the warehouse you are transferring to. The Type should be In Transit. Enter your SKUs, quantities, dates, and any other pertinent information. Click Save.

Click Yes.

After you save, a Batch # (aka transfer number) will appear. Copy it.

Back on the Warehouse Transfer list screen, when you click Apply, you will be able to see your new transfer: one line per SKU being transferred.

Now, in WMS, let's find your transfer. Go to Warehouse Transfer > List.

Once it's there, it will create an order record. Still in WMS, find it by going to Sales Order > View Orders. In situations like this, you can use the Batch # in place of a Channel Order ID

Fulfill this as you would any order.

After a few minutes, come back to ERP and open this warehouse transfer again. You will see the values in the Shipped Qty column have populated appropriately.

Once the receiving-warehouse has received the items (and you have verified this), go to Edit mode. Enter the correct amounts in the Received Qty column.

Click Receive.

Click Yes.

The Received Qty column will now be updated as well.

For Immediate Transfer

If you are transferring an item(s) from one warehouse to another (physical or virtual) and do not need to process it in WMS (perhaps someone is picking it up or your two warehouses are at the same location and you're just walking it from point A to point B), there is a way to bypass this.

Follow the above steps to create your Warehouse Transfer. Under Type, select Arrive Immediately. Enter your From and To warehouses, items, date information, etc. and click Save.

Click Yes.

Before, on the right-hand side of the products section, you would see columns for Shipped and Received to indicate that items had been shipped out and then received at the new location. Because this workflow skips those steps, those columns are not present.

This transfer record will not appear in WMS.