How do I find invoices that are missing a QuickBooks ID?

Here is a guide on how to locate any invoices from customers that should have posted to QuickBooks but haven't.

In the event that you cannot find an invoice in QuickBooks (one that should have been posted), there are some easy steps to take in DigitBridge.

First, in ERP, go to Accounts Receivable > Invoice. 

Click More Filter.

Click the funnel icon next to Customer # and select Not Equal.

Enter in all of your customers NOT currently mapped to QuickBooks (thereby eliminating customers/channels that shouldn't have any invoices posted to QuickBooks from your view). 

Scroll down until you see Without QuickBooks ID Only. Toggle it from off to on. Add any other filters you like (e.g., date range). Click Apply.

Note: Use this guide for more information on sorting and filtering tools.

Now, you will see results that include all invoices from all channels currently mapped to QuickBooks but that are missing a QuickBooks ID. That is how you can easily identify which ones need to be reposted. For instructions on how to bulk update invoices, check out this guide. Use that to repost in bulk.

Another way would be to glance at the Disable QuickBooks column. Look for invoices without a QuickBooks Doc# where Disable QuickBooks is empty. This means that the invoice should have a QuickBooks Doc# and must be re-posted.

Note: It is possible that a user has forgotten to map a particular customer to QuickBooks. Therefore, the user must be certain their customer settings are accurate.

For more information on Disable QuickBooks and what that means, check out this guide.