How do I find out why a transaction isn't posting to QuickBooks?

Here's a guide on troubleshooting how to figure out why transactions might not be posting properly to QuickBooks.

If you have completed a particular transaction that should be posted to QuickBooks, there will be a QuickBooks Doc #.

If you've waited for five minutes or more and nothing appears, here are some steps you can take. In ERP, go to Activity Log > QuickBooks Export Log. Click Apply to see all transactions.

We highly recommend that you set a date range ahead of your search as well using the More Filter tool. 

Once you find the transaction you are looking for, click the link under the column Message.

Note: If there is nothing under the Message column for a particular transaction, that means it was successful. 

For any transactions with text under the Message column, clicking that link will explain to you the reason it failed.

There are several different error messages you can receive. For example, the one below is explaining that the payment amount field is invalid because you cannot pay more than the amount due.

[Further error examples to come]

Once you have identified the error, you can take steps to solve the problem. If you are still experiencing issues, reach out to your Account Manager or submit a request with Customer Service.