How do I manage Channel Attributes?

Here is a guide to managing Channel Attributes in the PIM Module.

To view all Channel Attributes, in PIM, go to Settings > Products > Channel Attributes. Here you will see each and every channel attribute for the channels you sell on. These are created when importing channel templates during Channel Integration. They can also be created manually.


At the bottom of the page, expand the Results per page to show all of the results.


Now, you can sort by various columns. 


You can also search for specific attributes and filter by channel.


Import from Channel Template

Settings > Channel > Channel INtegration > click channel download template from channel, Template tab.  import to DB. Then, channel attributes tab, dropdown, select, and download. That will create channel attributes in DB. 


Importing Attributes from Standard Format

To import attributes from a channel, click Import.


Click Download Template. This will download the generic template for you to fill in. Fill in the Attribute column and populate columns B, E, and G with the default values found in Row 2 of each of those columns. Save your spreadsheet.

From the dropdown, select the channel in question.


Drag your spreadsheet file into the grey box or click to select a file. Click Ok.


Note: During Channel Integration, the channel will have a list of attributes in a template that you will be able to download and then import here. Typically, this is done by our integration team.

Creating Attributes Manually

To manually create an attribute, click Add. 


Select the appropriate channel from the dropdown. Enter a name for the attribute as well as any other relevant fields. If this Attribute is a list, create the dropdown options. Determine whether it is pricing related or not. Click Save when done.


Deleting Attributes

It is also possible to delete attributes by selecting the attributes you wish to delete and clicking the Delete button. 



You can also Export the complete list of attributes by clicking Export.


Note: Even if you only have 50 results out of the full number of attributes showing, this will export all results, not just the top 50. However, if you apply filters, only the results within the filtered parameters will export.