How do I manage Content Resources?

Here is a guide to managing Content Resources in the PIM Module.

To view all Content Resources, in PIM, go to Settings > Products > Content Resources. Here you will see each and every field in Content Resources. New ones can be created in two ways: via import or manually.


Note: Content Resources refer to product attributes that can be ultimately used in all channels (as opposed to being channel-specific). These are standard fields that are the most commonly used in content management.

At the bottom of the page, expand the Results per page to show all of the results.


Now, you can sort by various columns. 


You can also search for specific attributes and filter by channel.


Importing Fields from Spreadsheet

To import attributes from a spreadsheet, click Import.


Drag your spreadsheet file into the grey box or click to select a file. Click Save.


Note: The list of Content Resources already in DigitBridge is exhaustive and you will likely not need to add more.

Note: This import is for the fields themselves - not for the value of the field.

Creating Fields Manually

To manually create a content resource field, click Add. 


Enter a name for the attribute and fill out any other relevant fields. If this Attribute is a list, create the dropdown options. Assign it to a group LINK TO GROUP ARTICLE. Determine if you want it to be a column header or not (COME UP WITH NEW NAME FOR THIS) or not. Click Save when done.


Managing Groups

Content Resources are split into groups. There are some default groups (Copywriting & SEO, Digital Assets, etc.) that will always be there, and you can add new groups as you please. Click Manage Groups.


Click Add. Enter the group name and description. Click save.


Custom Views

To manage your custom views, click Manage Custom Views.


This will take you to the list of existing custom views. From here you can add new views or edit existing views.

Adding New Views

You can also create a new view by clicking Add Custom View.


Enter the name and description of your new view. Click Save when you're done.


Click Manage Fields next to this new view.


This will allow you to choose which fields to include in this view. The left panel shows all of the fields while the right panel is empty. Begin selecting the boxs next to the fields you wish to add. Next, click the arrow in the middle of the screen that points to the right. This will move these fields into your new view. When you're done, click Save.


Editing Existing Views

For any views you already have, click Edit.


This will allow you to change the name or description.


Next, click Manage Fields.


This will allow you to edit which fields to include in this view. The left panel shows all of the fields not included in the view while the right panel shows the ones that are. To move things around, select the box next to the field you wish to add or remove. Next, click the corresponding arrow in the middle of the screen to move a new field to the view or remove a field from the view. When you're done, click Save.



You can also Export the complete list of attributes by clicking Export.


Note: Even if you only have 50 results out of the full number of attributes showing, this will export all results, not just the top 50. However, if you apply filters, only the results within the filtered parameters will export.