How do I manage Control Tower settings?

Here's a guide on how to use the settings for your Control Tower.

The Control Tower is a powerful tool within PIM to quickly and effectively analyze sales data and take informed action. Here are some tips on how to manage the settings for it.


In PIM, go to Settings > Control Tower > Fields. Here you will see a list of fields currently being used in the Control Tower. 



You can add a new field by clicking Add.


A window will pop up prompting you to choose either a channel-specific attribute or an attribute from Content Resources. Which whichever one applies.


Enter the Name of the Attribute (shouldn't this be a dropdown for the user to select from existing attributes? nothing shows up in content resources). Click Next.


Create your new field by entering a Display name, a header name you can search by, assign it to a group (LINK to group page), determine if it will be editable or searchable, and choose how many rows the value should take up. Click Save.



You can edit an existing field by clicking Edit in the row of the field you wish to update.


Edit any of the available fields in the next window. Click Save when you're done.



You can also export all of the information in this table by clicking Export.


Select if you wish to export it as a .csv or as an Excel file. Choose Export Filter Result to export only the results of a filtered search you have run. Choose Export All to export everything. Your export will automatically download. Click Close to exit.



In PIM, go to Settings > Control Tower > Group. Here you can add and edits groups to use within the Control Tower. Click Add to add a new group.


Enter the Group Name, a Description, enter a number that corresponds with the order in which you'd like to see it displayed (1=first, 2=second, and so on), as well as columns WHAT DOES THIS DO? Click Save.


To edit an existing group, click Edit in that group row.


Update the Group Name, Description, and/or where it will appear in the sequence of groups. You can also Edit Fields or Edit Mapping (WHAT IS THIS?). Click Save when you are done.



In PIM, go to Settings > Control Tower > Layout. Here you can adjust how your Control Tower will look. Click the small arrow next to the group on the left-hand side. This will show the fields in that group.


Click on the field in that list (or in the middle of the screen) << rewrite


To the right will be an area called Cost Price. Under Rows, you can determine how tall you want that field to appear. Under Columns (WHAT IS THIS?). You can also determine if you want this field to be editable or not.
