How do I manage my Pick Lists in WMS?

Here is how you can queue, print, re-print, export, and otherwise manage pick lists in the Warehouse Management System during the fulfillment process.

Once you have created a S/O (sales order) in ERP or one has been automatically added from a digital sales channel, it will wait in a list until you are ready to fulfill it. The first steps in this process would be to add orders to a queue and then print pick lists. You can print pick lists for individual orders or for larger groups of orders depending on your preferences. 

Queue Pick List

This function will essentially allow you to immediately see all open (unfulfilled) orders in a list view. To see this, from WMS, go to Sales Order in the left-hand sidebar > Queue Pick List. To see all open orders, just hit Preview.

You can also filter your search using search parameters (e.g., the country the order is being shipped to, the S/O #, etc.

Once you have your list, you can use the sort & filter function to change how you view the orders (e.g., you want to sort by Mapped Service so you can see all Priority Mail orders first). 

You can also control which Columns are available to view by clicking the Columns button and then selecting/de-selecting the options in the dropdown menu. 

Once you are ready to begin picking items for your orders, you can either select specific items (e.g., only the Priority orders) and click Queue Selected Orders or go ahead and click Queue All Orders to send all open orders to the queue.

A pop-up will appear allowing you to go straight to the Print Pick List screen. Note - this will show only the orders that were just queued, not all open orders.

Print Pick List

To print your pick list for the orders you're ready to fulfill, go to Sales Order > Print Pick List. Click Preview to see all queued orders, or use the search parameters to group, sort, and filter to your preferences. The default is to sort locations alphabetically - so if you have items from different orders in the same location, you're picking all of them at once rather than having to go back and forth between different locations in your warehouse. 

If you want to print a pick list from a specific batch of orders that were queued at the same time, select Pick List > All and select your intended batch from the dropdown list. Click Preview to see it below.

When you are ready, select your printer and click Print Pick List.

Re-Print Pick List

To re-print, select a specific batch of orders that were queued at the same time, then select Allow Reprint. Then, print again as instructed above. 

Export Pick List as PDF

If you want to export your pick list to a downloadable PDF, just click Export to PDF. If you want to do this in lieu of physically printing, select Export PDF and Mark as Printed. This will treat the pick list as though it had physically been printed.