How do I manage my PIM Dashboard settings?

Here's a guide on how to manage your dashboard settings in PIM.

In the PIM module, you have a degree of control over what you see in your main dashboard. While in PIM, go to Settings > Channels > Dashboard.


There are three options for how you can display your data.

All Channels and Dropship

Shows all information from all selling channels as well as dropship customers.

(image of dash)

All Channels Without Dropship

Shows all channel information, omitting information from dropship customers.

(image of dash)

Selected Channels

Shows all information for channels you specify.

(image of dropdown)

(image of dash)

When you're finished, click Save Settings.


Tip: After changing a setting, it's always best practice to log out, refresh, and log back in. Otherwise, the updates may not be immediately visible.