How do I manage my UPCs?

Here you will learn how to add, adjust, and remove Universal Product Codes, as well as generate UPCs in bulk.

Here you can efficiently and effectively manage the UPCs assigned to products for the purpose of inventory tracking, sales, etc. In ERP, go to Inventory > UPC Code Management. Click Apply to see all UPCs.

You can also use the sort & filter tools to locate the UPC(s) you wish to update. You can see existing UPCs in the UPC column.

New UPCs - Individual

Once you've found the individual SKU you want to assign a new UPC to, manually type your desired UPC into the field in the UPC column. Click Save when you're done.

Click Yes.

New UPCs - Multiple

Select the SKUs you wish to assign new UPCs to. If you want to assign UPCs at a bulk scale, use the multiple-row selector shortcut. Click Action > New UPC.

Note: You can use this tool to create new UPCs for items that already have UPCs if you want to change them. 

Before New UPC:

After New UPC:

Your new UPCs will appear immediately. Click Save.

Click Yes.

Recycle UPCs

You also have the option of removing existing UPCs from various SKUs. We call this recycling rather than deleting because the UPC could be used again for future items. Same as above, select the SKUs with UPCs you wish to recycle. If you want to recycle UPCs at a bulk scale, use the multiple-row selector shortcut. Click Action > Recycle Selected.

Your UPCs will disappear immediately.

Click Save.

Click Yes.

Warning: If you leave this page without saving, your progress will be lost.