How do I manage Purchase Order Receives in ERP?

Here is all the information you will need to manage and close Purchase Order (P/O) Receives in the ERP Module.

Once a P/O is created and saved in ERP, it needs to be received in WMS and the P/O Receive Batch must be closed. Once these steps have been completed, a Receive # is automatically created and viewable in ERP if you go to Purchasing > P/O Receive.

This Receive # will be linked to the corresponding P/O. Use that number to search or click Apply to see all P/O Receives.

Editing P/O Receives

Click the Receive # you want to see. Switch over to Edit mode. In the General section, click Show More for an expanded view.

The WMS Batch # and Doc ID will now appear as shown in the boxes below. Click Show Less to go back to the way it looked before.

You will see three tabs below: Transaction Items, Receive P/O List, and Activity, plus a Notes & Summary section and a Details and Product Sales sidebar.

Transaction Items

This tab will show all items from the P/O that were received. Note the values in the Receive column, representing the quantity of physical items received in the warehouse.

Notes & Summary

At the bottom you will see a place to enter Notes as well as a Summary of the P/O Receive.

Receive P/O List

The Receive P/O List tab is important for one main reason: the Vendor Invoice #. A value must be entered in this field in order to move forward into the Accounts Payable (A/P) portion of the order lifecycle. 

If you attempt to close the P/O Receive without completing this step, you will get the following error:

You can also enter the A/P Bill Date, the Vendor Invoice Date, and a Description. 

Note: If the vendor has sent you a single order with multiple vendor invoices, you will address that here. Check out this guide for further instruction: Can I have multiple vendor invoices on the same Purchase Order?


The third tab in the P/O Receive Management screen is called Activity. This will show you all items related to the P/O Receive. It's empty for now, but soon it will include associated A/P Bills, P/Os, etc.

Details & Product Sales

The details and product sales panel will show you customer and product information. Click a line in the Transaction Items tab to see Product Details appear.

Closing P/O Receives

Once everything has been received that needs to be received, the Vendor Invoice # has been added, and all recuperable costs have been accounted for (see How do I use the cost allocation and recoup feature?), click into the Mode dropdown and hit Close.

Click the now-available blue Close button in the upper right-hand corner.

The A/P Options menu will appear - make sure it is correct and then Click OK.

This will close the P/O Receive. 

It will also create an A/P Bill for all vendors associated with that P/O Receive (e.g. the product vendor, forwarding company, vessel company, logistics company, etc.). This can be seen in the Activity tab.

Once a P/O Receive has been closed, it will update a couple of things: 

  1. The In-Stock Qty - closing the P/O Receive will update the quantity of SKUs currently in stock.
  2. The Inventory Cost - After the P/O Receive is closed, it will update the unit cost (if different than in a previous P/O) and average cost of the SKUs (calculated as a moving average over all previous purchases).

Now that an A/P Bill has been created, you cannot edit or reopen closed P/Os or P/O Receives. For example: when I try to edit the P/O Receive above, I get the following error: 

Caution: Do not close P/O Receives until you are certain it is complete and correct.

If you get this error and are not sure why, check the History tab - chances are that there's an A/P Bill already. If you still need to make a change, here are some options for you

Now that your P/O Receive is closed, you can close the Purchase Order.