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How do I manage S/O and Invoice settings?
Here is a guide on how to manage whether or not you can make an order that exceeds your ATS and other settings pertaining to sales orders and invoices.
These settings will depend entirely on the SOPs of your business and if you want to be able to create and save orders when your in-stock amount is zero (among other things).
First, in ERP, you will go to Admin Tools > System Settings > System Parameters Setup.
This will take you to the Basic Info tab. Go to the S/O & Invoice tab.
Tip: If you find you cannot make changes, make sure you are in Edit mode.
Under Sales Order, you can - by switching the toggle on and off - determine the following:
- When every SKU has been canceled in a S/O, does the entire order automatically get canceled? (How do I cancel a Sales Order?)
- Do my S/Os require a Cancel After Date?
- If I enter a SKU in a S/O that doesn't yet exist, should the system automatically create it?
- When I enter cancelation info in a shipment, will the order be updated to reflect that?
Under Invoice, you can determine how you want to validate quantity information both in invoices and S/Os. In more detail, you can choose what value you want the system to look at when determining if you have enough to fulfill an order.
- In Stock: The system will use the In Stock number when considering whether an order can be fulfilled or not.
- ATS: The system will use the ATS number (In Stock - OSO) when considering whether an order can be fulfilled or not.
- Projected: The system will use the Projected number (In Stock - OSO + OPQ) when considering whether an order can be fulfilled or not.
OSO = Open Sales Order
OPQ = Open Purchase Order Quantity
You can also determine whether or not you want to allow orders to be made when the order quantity exceeds the In Stock (or ATS, or Projected, depending on the above) quantity. You have the option of allowing the order to take place but having a warning appear.
Finally, you can adjust your S/O Approval settings. For more info, check out How do I apply approval settings for Sales Orders?