How do I map products from QuickBooks to DigitBridge?

Here is a guide on how to create and then map an item from QuickBooks over to DigitBridge.

While you won't be managing your inventory in QuickBooks, you will need to have a few items created in there. These items are representative of a larger function. For example, in DigitBridge (DB) you may have an invoice with eight items totaling $1200. That invoice will sync to QuickBooks but instead of eight items, it will only have one: a unique item representing all items sold. The $ total will be the same.

It is possible to have a single item in QuickBooks to represent items sold and purchased (this makes sense if you purchase complete items from your vendors and sell them to your customers without change). If the items you order are distinct from the items you sell, you will need two items in QuickBooks: one representing items sold, and one representing items purchased.

Note: You can also create items for miscellaneous charges, shipping, handling, etc. - it depends on how you prefer your record keeping.

For this guide, we will go over the creation of a single item in QuickBooks representing items sold and purchased in DB.


First, you will start in QuickBooks. Under Sales > Products & Services, click New and select Non-inventory item.

Enter a name for your item that identifies it as being representative of both products sold and products purchased. Give it a unique SKU. Under the Sales section, check I sell this to my customers. Select an Income account from the dropdown. Do not enter a price.

Under Purchasing, check I purchase this from a vendor. Select an Expense account from the dropdown. Do not enter a price.

Save your item.


Back in DB, in ERP, go to Admin Tools > QuickBooks Mapping > Integration Setup.

In the Connection Management tab, click Sync All Codes. This will make your new product from QuickBooks available in DB.

You will get a notification that the codes were successfully synced.

Accounts Receivable

Now, go to the Invoice Item Mapping tab. This is where you will determine how information will flow from your invoices in DB to their corresponding invoices in QuickBooks. Click on the magnifying glass next to one of the rows.

Tip: If you aren't able to make changes, make sure you are in Edit mode first.

That will open the list of available item names to chose from. You will see our new item from QuickBooks is there and ready to go. Click on it.

That row will update as shown below. Do this for each row as it pertains to your business needs. 

There is a way to get even more granular. If you have unique items in QuickBooks representing different types of items (product, service, supplies, etc.), you can map at that more detailed level by clicking Inventory Type Mapping

Click the magnifying glass next to the item you wish to map and choose from the list that pops up. Click OK when you're done.

If you want to map items at the individual level (meaning every individual item you have in DB has a corresponding item in QuickBooks), you can do so by clicking Product Mapping.

Click the magnifying glass next to the item to find its corresponding item in QuickBooks. Click Add Row until you're done. Then click OK.

Note: We recommend against this as it is tremendously time consuming and redundant.

Accounts Payable

Once you're done with Invoice Item Mapping, go to the A/P Bill Mapping tab. Click on the magnifying glass next to one of the rows.

A list of options will appear. Because you indicated that you both sell this product and purchase this product when you set it up in QuickBooks, your new item will appear both in the Sales Item List (above) and the Purchase Item List (below). Click it.

When you're done with all of the relevant rows in this tab, click Save.

Click Yes.


Follow these same instructions for Credit Memo Item Mapping

and Vendor Credit Mapping.