How do I move inventory from a virtual warehouse to a location?

Here's where you will learn how to transfer inventory from a virtual warehouse (e.g., Inspection, Resalable) to a physical location in WMS.

When you get returns, you may have them initially go to a virtual warehouse: Inspection (so you can assess the state the item is in), Resalable (the item is fit to be resold), or Damaged (in which case it will not be going back into regular inventory). Once you're ready to transfer resalable stock into your physical inventory, you can get started on the steps below.

The first thing you will do is make sure you have all the items you need and that they are ready to scan (or you can easily type them in).

Next, go to Sales Order > Smart.

From the available options, select Virtual Warehouse to Location.

Next, select the Virtual Warehouse you need to move the item from. In this example, we will use Resalable. The item(s) has been inspected and has been labeled as resalable. Now it is time to assign it to a physical location. 

Scan your first item to start. Hit Enter if you are using a keyboard. If you're on a mobile, it will automatically progress to the next screen (this is true going forward).

Next, scan the location the item will be moving to. For example: if the location represents a box, scan the label on the outside of the box. You can also type in a location if you prefer. Hit Enter.

Keep doing this until you have moved all the products you want from the virtual warehouse to the desired location.

Exit the screen when you're done.

See related:

How do I create a location in the warehouse?

How do I move items from location to location?