How do I move product from one location to another using a mobile?

Here you will find details on how to move items from one location to another, conduct a guided move, and more - using a mobile device/cell phone.

There are many occasions in which you might want to move stock from one place to another. This guide is for doing so on a mobile device with a scanner. If you want to use a computer, check out this guide.

You can move specific items from one location to another location with an extra validation step for accuracy, move items from one location to another without validation, or conduct a guided move. The first step for all of these actions will be the same. On the left-hand sidebar, go to Sales Order > Smart. 

Select Move & Merge from the available options. 

That will take you to this screen:

Move Individual Product

Moving product this way involves scanning a location, an item, scanning the location code again to confirm, the next item, scanning the location code again to confirm, the next item, and so on. It can seem repetitive, but it is preferred for users who want to ensure maximum accuracy during this process. If you prefer to take a shortcut, opt for Move multiple products from one location to another instead.

Select Move individual product from the available options.

Scan your source location barcode. You can type the location as well, but for the purpose of this guide, we will assume the user is working with a mobile scanner. Click More Action > Go Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Scan your destination location barcode. Click More Action > Go Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Scan or type in the first item you want to move.

Enter the quantity, then scan or type in the location to confirm the move. Hit the Tab key or click the button with the three dots.

If you click or tap the button, you will need to click confirm one more time. If you hit the Tab key or are using a scanner instead of typing, you will progress straight to the next screen. Click/tap Confirm.

Do this until your location (be it a box, a pallet, an aisle, or anything else) is full of as many items as you want to put in it. Now, when you go to Inventory > Search (in WMS) and type in the location, you will see all available items in that location. 

Move multiple products from one location to another

Moving product this way eliminates the step of confirming the destination location between every item being scanned. It is much faster and will still be highly accurate, but the likelihood of accuracy increases if you add the confirmation step.

Select Move multiple products from one location to another from the available options.

Scan your source location barcode. You can type the location as well, but for the purpose of this guide, we will assume the user is working with a mobile scanner. Click More Action > Go Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Scan your destination location barcode. Click More Action > Go Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Scan your first item. Set the Quantity.

Caution: Always set the quantity on this screen. You will not have another opportunity to do so. You do have the option, however, of scanning multiples of the same SKU if you wish to do it one at a time.

Your SKU will appear below with the Quantity set in the Quantity column. Repeat this step until you've moved everything you want to move. Click Done.

If everything looks right on the pop-up, click Yes.

Your move was successful!

Guided Moves


Select Guided Move from the available options.

Scan the location barcode or type in the source location (where the product currently is) or click/type General if you don't use locations. Click/tap More Action > Go Back to navigate to the prior screen. 

Note: To progress through this and the following steps, if you are using a keyboard, you'll need to hit Enter. For the purpose of this guide, we will assume the user is working with a mobile scanner. In this case, they will progress to the next step automatically. 

If you are restocking items from a voided shipment, click "..." > Use Pick. The rest of the steps are the same.

Scan the SKU barcode or type in the SKU of the product you want to move.  

Now, scan the destination location (where you want to move the product to). There will be a list of locations that currently have stock of this product. You have the option of scanning a location that doesn't currently contain this product (although if that is the case, you could just use one of the above options). 

If you have entered a location that doesn't currently contain this item, this screen will appear. Click Yes to move forward. If not, skip to the next instruction.

Scan all items or type in the quantity of each item you want to move. Click/tap Confirm when done.

Caution: If there is insufficient stock to complete the move with the quantity entered, you will not be able to move forward. 

Note: whenever there is an opportunity to scan or type, we recommend scanning as it reduces the chance of human error. Even if it takes a little bit longer, it's worth it to ensure maximum accuracy!

Once you're finished, you can start a new move from a new source location or move a new item from the same source location. You can also return to the home page.

See related: How do I move items from a virtual warehouse to a location?