How do I move product from one warehouse to another?

Here's a guide on moving items from one warehouse to another one in WMS.

If you have two physical warehouses, you will occasionally move product from one to another. There are two ways to do this: via the Inventory page (recommended if you are on a desktop or laptop) or via the Smart screen (recommended if you are using a mobile scanner and not near a computer). Both of these will be in WMS.

Inventory Screen (on a computer)

On the left-hand sidebar, go to Inventory > Move/Merge. Select I want to: Move product from one warehouse to another.

Enter in the SKU you want to move and the quantity as well as its current location (within its current warehouse). Next, enter in the warehouse and location you want to relocate it to.  

If you don't have enough stock, you will not be able to complete the move.

If all requirements are met, you will get a notification in the upper right letting you know the move was successful.

Smart Screen (on a mobile)

The first thing you'll do in WMS is go to Sales Order > Smart.

Click/tap Move & Merge.

Click/tap Move products from one warehouse to another.

Click/tap your chosen source warehouse. The below examples happen to be virtual warehouses but for the sake of this guide, imagine they are physical.

Scan your source location barcode. You can type the location as well, but for the purpose of this guide, we will assume the user is working with a mobile scanner. Click More Action > Go Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Scan your destination location barcode. Click More Action > Go Back to navigate to the previous screen.

Scan your first item. Click More Action > Go Back to navigate to the previous screen or > Back to First Step to go all the way back to the first Smart screen.

Scan your next item and any more that you want to move. You will note the column Move Time will show the exact time the item was moved. Do this until you've moved all items. When you're done, you can return to the main WMS module.

Caution: You will not be asked to confirm the move after scanning. Once you scan, the move is complete. To undo this, you will have to go through the above process again to move the item back to its source warehouse/location.