How do I process a prepayment?

Step by step instructions on processing and managing a prepayment in the ERP module, including applying a prepayment to an invoice.

Using a payment gateway, it is possible to process a credit card payment (or any other kind of payment) that is not yet associated with an existing invoice. You will be able to assign that payment to an invoice in the future. There are a couple of ways to do this.

The Prepayment Tab

Go to Accounts Receivable > Prepayment Handling.

You can click Apply to see all Prepayments but for now, click Add.

There are two types of Prepayments you can create from here - standalone and S/O prepayments. Standalone prepayments are not associated with any particular order. S/O prepayments are payments made in advance toward a specific sales order.

Standalone Prepayment

From the Prepayment Management screen, enter (or do a search for) the customer you want to process the payment for. The only other required field here is the Total Amount, but do make sure that all other relevant information is filled out accurately. Next, under Paid By, change the payment method to Credit Card. An orange credit card icon will appear - click on it.

This opens up the payment screen. You have a couple of options here. First, you can click the dropdown under Credit Cards on File and select from any saved credit cards you have associated with the customer. If you are going to be using a new credit card, enter the information under Credit Card Info and click "Save this card info" (if it is a card you will use again in the future). Once you've completed this, click "Save & Charge" and the payment will be processed.

If you are creating a non-credit card payment - or if it is a credit card payment but you do not process payments within DigitBridge - the process is essentially the same. Select the appropriate Paid By method. The only difference is that you must update the Status from Open to Paid. 

Warning: If you don't do this, it will not appear as an available credit when paying an invoice nor will it post to QuickBooks.

Click Save, then click Yes.

S/O Prepayment

From the Prepayment Management Screen, enter or do a search for the S/O you want to create a prepayment for. The Customer # will automatically populate, as well as the Total Amount (which you can manually adjust for a partial prepayment). As above, if this is a credit card prepayment and you are processing it in DigitBridge, do so now. Otherwise, mark the status as Paid.

Warning: If you don't do this, it will not appear as an available credit when paying an invoice nor will it post to QuickBooks.

Click Save.

Click Yes.

The Sales Order Management Screen

The other way to create a prepayment is simple - straight from a Sales Order. If you need help finding the S/O you're looking for, check out this guide.

On the Sales Order Management Screen, click Action > Create Prepayment.

Note: Typically, S/Os in a status of Processing are not editable. It is, however, possible to create Prepayments (regardless of status).

This will launch the Prepayment Management screen in a new tab. The S/O #, Customer #, and Total Amount will prepopulate. Adjust the total if need be, process via credit card, or put it in a status of Paid (same as above). Click Save.

Click Yes.

You will get a notification that the payment was created successfully.

See related: 

How do I process a credit card payment

How do I apply credit to an invoice?