How do I process the return of a consignment order?

Here is a guide instructing you on how to receive any items sent back to you by a consignment customer.

This is the last step in the consignment order journey. By now, you have created a consignment orderfulfilled it, created an invoice, and closed the order. Now, you need to collect back those items that did not sell.

In ERP, go to Sales Order > Consignment Order Management.

Click Apply.

You'll notice you can't find your order. Click More Filter and toggle Exclude Closed to off.

Now, your order will appear. Click on it. As the order management page opens, you will see a notification pop up. Don't worry about this.

Go to the Activity tab. Click on the link under the Number column of the Warehouse Transfer row. 

Unlike the first warehouse transfer, this one shows that it is coming from the customer's virtual warehouse back to you. You'll also see the transfer quantities listed below.

An outbound transfer will automatically show up in WMS. However, because this transfer is initiating elsewhere, the system will need you to kick it off. In Edit mode, enter the quantities being sent back to you in the Shipped Qty column. Click Ship. 

Click Yes.

Part 2 (WMS)

Now, in WMS, go to Warehouse Transfer > List. Enter the Batch Number or just click Search and you will see it at the top as an Inbound transfer. Please note that it may take a few minutes to show up in WMS once it has been marked Shipped in ERP. Click Receive.

On the Receive screen, follow the instructions as laid out in this guide here: How do I receive a Purchase Order in WMS? Come back to this guide when you're done with this step.

Note: the lines will not change color here the way they will for Purchase Orders.

Back in the Warehouse Transfer List, locate the transfer and click Complete.

Click Complete Transfer. 

Part 3 (ERP)

Come back to ERP. Find the Warehouse Transfer again. After a few minutes, the Received Qty column will be populated from what was received in WMS. If you don't want to wait for the column to update on its own, however, switch to Edit Mode. Enter the correct values into the empty cells in the Received Qty column. Click Receive. 

Caution: It's inadvisable to complete this step before all items have been accounted for.

Click Yes.

Now, your items have been sent (or "transferred") back to your warehouse and inventory has been adjusted accordingly. The Received column will be updated as shown below.

See related:

How to process a partial consignment return