How do I receive a Purchase Order in WMS?

Here are instructions on how to receive P/Os in the Warehouse Management System Module.

First, you will need to have created a P/O in ERP. Once you have done that, take the P/O# and navigate to the WMS Module.

If you don't have the exact P/O # on hand but want to see all P/Os that are pending receipt, go to P/O > P/O List. Click Search. This will show you all P/Os that have not been received, have been partially received, or otherwise have not been closed out yet. When you see the one you are looking for, click Receive to the right of the row.

This will take you to the P/O Receive screen. 

If you have the exact P/O # on hand, you can go straight to P/O > P/O Receive and skip the first step. Enter the P/O # and click Show P/Os. Your P/O will appear below with all items listed by order in which they were entered into the P/O.

You have a few options here.

Enter in receipt of the items manually

Type in the number of received items in the Receiving Qty column. If the amount equals the Ordered Qty, the row will turn green.

If the amount exceeds the Ordered Qty, the row will turn red indicating you may need to contact your vendor. 

If the amount is less than the Ordered Qty, the row will stay white because there are still more items in the P/O that you can receive in the future (until it has been closed). 

Once you've entered the Receiving Qty, click the pencil under Receipt Location to assign a location to the new stock. 

Key in a location or scroll and select one. You can also select Apply to All P/O Line to assign that location to every item in the P/O.

You also have the option to assign a location to multiple items at a time by selecting the checkbox next to the SKU (or clicking the box at the top to select all) and then clicking Choose Location.

Once all items have an assigned location, click Receive

A menu will pop up asking you to confirm this P/O and its location(s). Click Receive.

You will see a small pop-up alerting you that the P/O was received successfully.

Receive All

Another option is to - if you have several SKUs and would like to save time - click Receive All

This will open a pop-up prompting you to select a location for the P/O items. Doing so will allow you to click Ok.

Warning: Please note that by doing this you are restricted to a single location for all items in the P/O. If there need to be multiple locations, you must assign them one at a time or by selecting as shown above.

Once the location has been assigned, click Receive

A menu will pop up asking you to confirm this P/O and its location(s). Click Receive.

You will see a small pop-up alerting you that the P/O was received successfully.

Scan to Receive

A third option would be to click Scan to Receive. This is the best option for you if you prefer using a scanner to a keyboard.

This opens a screen that allows you to scan the UPCs one by one.

Once you scan your first item, it will appear as shown below. Keep scanning until you are done. Click Continue. 

This will open a preview screen. If everything is correct, click Confirm. Skip ahead to assign a location.

Another option would be to paste several SKUs at once from the Paste Multiple tab (for example: from a spreadsheet). Click Continue when you're done pasting SKUs.

This will open a preview screen. If everything is correct, click Confirm.

Follow the above instructions to assign a location.

Once the location has been assigned, click Receive

A menu will pop up asking you to confirm this P/O and its location(s). Click Receive.

You will see a small pop-up alerting you that the P/O was received successfully.

Now, your items have been received and you can close out your P/O Receive Batch as the next step in the Purchase Order process.