How do I sync inventory data from WMS to ERP?

Here's a guide on how to sync all of your in-stock quantity information from WMS directly into ERP.

For business operations, ERP is the place to go. For product details, PIM is your destination. But for up to the minute in-stock quantity levels, WMS is your single source of truth. While ideally there won't ever be discrepancies between WMS and ERP, user errors can sometimes occur. When this happens, it's very easy to make them match again.

Enable Sync Setting

First, you need to enable this feature. In WMS, go to Administration > Profile Settings. Go to the Inventory tab. Under Sync, select Yes next to Enable Inventory Snapshot Sync. Click Save.

Tip: After updating a setting, if you don't see your changes right away, just log out, refresh, and log back in. 

Sync Inventory

Now that it's turned on, go to Inventory > Search. Click Sync Inventory to ERP.

Note: If you have any open Audit Batches or P/O Receive Batches, the sync will fail. Close any open batches of any kind, then try again.

Warning: This sync feature will sync all of your physical inventory in all locations and all warehouses. Currently, there is not a way to narrow it down. Be certain before you proceed.