How do I sync products from ERP to WMS?

Here's how you can sync newly created products (and updated information for existing products) from the ERP module to the WMS module.

When new items are created in ERP, they need to be synced in order to appear in the catalog in WMS. This also applies to any changes made to existing items in ERP (e.g. size dimensions, etc.). They can be easily synced to the product catalog in WMS.

Adding a new product:

A new product was just created in ERP: Winter2023-TEAL-XXXL.

Now, when that SKU is searched for in WMS under Catalog > View Catalog, it does not appear.

In order to have the SKU appear in WMS, click Sync from ERP

You can either manually enter the SKU you want to update or set a date range (not to exceed 30 days) and click Fetch from ERP to show all items added to ERP during that range that have not been synced to WMS yet. Click Continue.

Using the No / Yes circles, indicate what information you want to have synced. If you know that the information coming from ERP is the most up to date and accurate, select. If you know the information in WMS is more accurate and up to date, keep it on No. Note: these will all default to "No" and must manually be clicked "Yes." Click Sync.

Conduct your search again, and the item will appear.

Updating existing product:

First, locate the item in WMS that you are going to update (this is not a necessary step, but it will show you the "before" state of the item) by going to Catalog > View Catalog.

Click the SKU. In the Product Detail screen, make note of the product dimensions and weight.

In ERP, using the search function under Inventory > Inventory > Product, locate the product you are adjusting. Click on the SKU

In the Inventory Management screen, in Edit Mode, edit the fields in need of an update (in this case, Under the Basic Tab in the Physical Section: Product Length/Height, Box Height, Net Weight, and Gross Weight). Click Save

Back in WMS, if you conduct a new search for the item, you will see the information has not changed from before.

To get the information to update, close out of the Product Detail screen and click Sync from ERP in the upper right. 

You can - using the Paste feature - paste the individual SKU that you just updated. Another option is to make multiple updates in ERP over the course of a day (or more) and then enter a date range encompassing the days during which you made updates. Then, click Fetch from ERP. All of the adjusted SKUs will populate. Click Continue

Using the No / Yes circles, indicate what information you want to have syncedNote: these will all default to "No" and must manually be clicked "Yes." Click Sync.

When conducting your search again and clicking into Product Detail, you can now see that the adjustments made in ERP have synced successfully to WMS.