How do I turn on Case Packs?

Here's a quick run-down of how to enable Case Pack functionality in Sales Orders and Invoices.

In inventory management, "case pack" refers to a specific number of identical products grouped together in one case for shipping and handling. It is a standardized unit that helps streamline the stocking, distribution, and sale of products. Case packs simplify order processing and inventory management by maintaining a consistent quantity of products in each case.

To enable this function, you will start in ERP. Go to Admin Tools > System Settings > System Parameters Setup.

In the System Settings tab, you will see a toggle under Use Case Pack in Sales and Invoice.

Switch it on.

Click Save.

Click Yes.

Your settings have been saved.

You will then be asked if you wish to logout in order to apply the new settings. Click whichever you wish.

Tip: After updating any setting inside the system, the best practice (after saving) is to log out and log back in so that the updated settings can be applied to your account. If you are updating many settings all in one go, it is not necessary to log out/log back in between each one. Doing it once at the end will suffice. But do not forget to save each time!

See related:

How do I create a new Case Pack?

How do I associate a Case Pack with a Style?

How do I use Case Packs when ordering?